
How shall they preach, except they be sent?

Romans 10:15

"To seek and to save that which was lost". Those were the words of Christ. This was His purpose, His heartbeat. The same is true 2000 years after He spoke them. We believe the Gospel is "the power of God unto salvation" and that every living man, woman and child is in desperate need of this message. Whether that person is in Jackson County, Kakumal, Kenya, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Kathmandu, Nepal or anywhere in between, they need the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it is our duty as His Ambassadors, to ensure they hear it. Global missions is our mission. Whether it is your personal, God ordained purpose to Go, or to Send, it is the duty of all to be engaged in this work. 

Our Methods of Support

We are called to be good stewards of the resources God has blessed us with. Therefore, we are both prayerful and intentional in the support we send to the mission field. It is our intention to strategically enable the growth of God's Kingdom through financial support to works that God leads us to. Whether that is a full-time missionary in Central America, a church planter in Africa, a Bible School in India, we ask the Lord to show us where the need is that we have been commissioned to fill. We believe that investing in the Kingdom of God is the most noble place you can put your resources. Throughout the year, we have a special service giving the opportunity to invest in a particular ministry. However, we are always willing and ready to offer support as God sees fit throughout the year. If you feel God leading you to invest in a particular ministry, come to the leadership of the Church and we will work to help you fill that need. 

Encourage our active missionaries

Write an encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.